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E-Scooter: Regulation - these rules apply

On June 15, 2019, the regulation for very small electric vehicles came into force. This regulates the conditions under which you may participate in German road traffic with your e-scooter. This includes, for example, the maximum speed limit, whether helmets are compulsory for driving or where you are allowed to drive your scooter.

What is regulated in the ordinance for e-scooters?

With the ordinance for very small electric vehicles, which was passed in June 2019, there is for the first time a legal basis for driving an e-scooter on German roads. This regulation applies to both e-scooters and Segways, which have a maximum speed of 20 km/h. In addition, you must have them a general operating permit. In addition, many points are specified in the regulation.
  1. E-scooters are in principle only allowed to ride on bike lanes, bike lanes and also bike paths. Pedestrian zones or even one-way streets are prohibited. Exceptions are roads with the special marking "E-scooter free".
  2. A driver's license is not required for the E-scooter. Also, the minimum age is only 14 years.
  3. In addition, there is no helmet requirement for the vehicle.
  4. But a per mille limit has been set for the e-scooter. Die Regulierungen sind dieselben, die auch für Autofahrer gelten. Genauso hoch fallen auch die Strafen aus. Auch wenn das Fahren bereits ab 14 erlaubt ist, gilt eine Promillegrenze von 0,0 bei unter 21-Jährigen.
  5. Zudem ist zu beachten, dass nur maximal eine Person auf einem E-Scooter fahren darf.
  6. Kaufen Sie sich einen eigenen E-Scooter, dann benötigen Sie zudem eine geeignete Haftpflichtversicherung.

By Rudie Schaad

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