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iPhone 12: Change font - what is possible?

If you want to change the font on the iPhone 12, you will quickly come up against your limits. This is because the font is still set by default on the iPhone 12. We explain how you can still adjust the font and size.

iPhone 12 font change using settings

While the font cannot be changed in the settings, the text size and thickness can be adjusted quite easily in the settings.
  1. Tap on the settings of your iPhone 12.
  2. Look for the item "Display & Brightness".
  3. At the very bottom you will now find the two options "Text Size" and "Bold".
  4. In the text size, you can now choose from seven different sizes using a slider. Bold can be either enabled or disabled.
You can now also change the font using fonts from the App Store. These work in most installed apps, but not in the menus of your iPhone 12.

iPhone 12: Change font with a jailbreak

With the help of a jailbreak, other fonts can also be installed on your iPhone 12. Only perform a jailbreak if you are familiar with it.
  1. Perform a jailbreak on your iPhone 12.
  2. Install the app "Cool Fonts" and then open the settings on your iPhone 12.
  3. Tippen Sie auf „Allgemein“ und anschließend auf „Tastatur“.
  4. Unter dem Punkt „Tastaturen” wählen Sie dann „Tastatur hinzuzufügen“ aus.
  5. Wählen Sie hier „Cool Fonts“.
  6. Öffnen Sie anschließend die „Cool Fonts“-App und wählen Sie dort eine Schriftart aus. Manche Schriftarten gibt es nur gegen einen Aufpreis.

By Ofelia

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