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Open Event Viewer in Windows 10

The Windows 10 Event Viewer is an important tool to troubleshoot system errors. In Event Viewer, you will find a log that records what processes were running on the computer. Errors in individual programs and system components are displayed. You'll also find ways to edit individual processes directly.

Open and Use Event Viewer in Windows 10

If your Windows computer is showing malfunctions that you can't immediately resolve, it helps to get a closer look at what's going on with your computer. With the Event Viewer, Windows provides you with a useful tool that allows you to continue troubleshooting in a more targeted manner by locating the affected areas. You will find a log in which all the computer's processes are recorded. In the log, you can see indications of where software or hardware errors have occurred and may even be able to fix them directly using the Event Viewer. The Event Viewer marks faulty processes with a yellow triangle or a red circle. The triangle indicates an error that is not mandatory to fix, while the circle warns of serious problems. An exclamation mark is also displayed. This indicates that information is available.

Open the Event Viewer via the Start menu

  1. Click on the Windows icon.
  2. Scroll down to the programs starting with "W".
  3. Select "Windows Administrative Tools".
  4. Klicken Sie auf „Ereignisanzeige“.

Die Ereignisanzeige über die Suchfunktion öffnen

  1. In der Startleiste klicken Sie unten links in das Suchfeld.
  2. Tippen Sie „Ereignisanzeige“ und bestätigen Sie mit Enter.
  3. Die Ereignisanzeige öffnet sich.

By Gorrono Morgenstein

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