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Can Alexa Read Aloud? Be enchanted

While it has been possible in America for quite some time, customers in Germany had to wait longer for Alexa to be equipped with the read aloud gadget. In the meantime, however, Alexa can read aloud to you, and you can choose between two variants.

Read aloud: This is what Alexa offers you

Alexa can now read aloud to you on any device in the Echo family. However, you should consider a few aspects:
  1. At the moment, it is only possible for Alexa to read out content to you that you find in the Kindle library. However, you can access the entire library.
  2. You need to activate Alexa by saying "Hey Alexa, read (title of book) aloud". Alexa then starts reading aloud at the last memory point.
  3. Alexa can not only read books to you, but also newspaper articles - but only if they are available in the Kindle library.
  4. In the long run, however, you will notice that the read aloud function is not optimally designed. Especially in the area of emphasis and pauses, Alexa is still slow.
  5. Even when reading a book aloud, the meaningful emphasis is missing, which can make it exhausting to listen to Alexa.
  6. But Amazon has already announced to address the issue and design an improved version for users.

An alternative to audiobooks?

With Audible, Amazon also offers you an audiobook world, which you can also play with Alexa. However, the subscription is paid and limited. Alexa is not yet a full replacement for Audible or comparable formats due to the current voice function.

By Lindeberg

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