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iPhone X: Read out charge cycles - here's how to do it

Reading out the charge cycles of your battery gives you information about how much it is already worn out. Over time, you charge your iPhone regularly, reducing its capacity a little each time. By analyzing the charge cycles, you will know how much life the battery has left.

iPhone X Read out charge cycles: Step by step

To read out the charging cycles on your iPhone, you need special software. To start the process, download the tool iBackupBot.
  1. After installing the software on your computer, you can start the program and connect your iPhone X to the PC already.
  2. Wait for the program to recognize your iPhone. When connecting for the first time, this may take a little time, so do not interrupt the program early.
  3. Once the registration is successful, click on "More Information".
  4. Now you can read directly in the first line under "CycleCount" how many times your smartphone has already been charged.
  5. About "FullChargeCapacity" you will find an indication of how much capacity the battery still has.

iPhone X charge cycles read out: Wie lange hält ein Akku?

  1. Grundsätzlich ist die Lebensdauer eines Akkus recht hoch.
  2. Laut Hersteller sind nach etwa 400 bis 500 Ladezyklen noch etwa 80 Prozent der ursprünglichen Kapazität vorhanden.
  3. Wie viel Ladung der Akku aufnehmen kann, spiegelt jedoch nicht die genaue Abnutzung wieder.

By Manda Amrudin

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