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Lime: How the app for e-scooters works

Many potential users are currently still skeptical about the novel means of transportation. This is due, among other things, to the fact that to use it, you need an app that you have to set up beforehand. For older generations in particular, the process seems very complex and can quickly put them off. But it doesn't have to be.

Lime: Just a few steps through the Lime app

In order to rent a scooter from Lime in the city, the associated app must first be set up. This can be done in just a few steps.
  1. First, download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store and install it.
  2. Enter all necessary permissions for the app by always confirming in the windows that appear.
  3. Within the app, you can now store a payment method. Accepted are Paypal and credit card.
  4. Enter the necessary data and confirm the process.
  5. Now you can rent an e-scooter.

Rent e-scooters using the app

  1. In the overview of the app, you will see a map with your current location.
  2. On this map, free scooters are also displayed. Begeben Sie sich zum Standort eines Rollers Ihrer Wahl.
  3. Sobald Sie neben dem E-Scooter stehen, nehmen Sie die App zu Hand und tippen Sie auf das quadratische Symbol unten rechts.
  4. Scannen Sie nun den QR-Code auf dem Roller und warten Sie, bis dieser bestÃĪtigt und aktiviert wird.
  5. Ein kurzer Signalton gibt an, dass der Scooter nun genutzt werden kann.

By Cartwright

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