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MacBook: format - how to tidy up your device

Especially in your daily work life, even your MacBook, which is still working fine, may need to be replaced by a newer device. If you want to sell or pass on your old MacBook, it is necessary that you format it to protect yourself and your data.

How to format your MacBook

Formatting MacBook is not complicated, but the process takes some time. Due to this, you should choose a suitable time before you start:
  1. First, make sure that all the files you will need in the future are stored in a backup or on an external media.
  2. Use the shortcut from the cmd + spacebar keys so that you can access the menu of your MacBook. Enter the term "Disk Utility" in the search line.
  3. You will now get a list of possible options. Select the first result from the list.
  4. Before you now appears an overview of your hard drives. Now click on the first hard drive that you want to format.
  5. You see an overview of the options, click on the option "Delete".
  6. Select a format and assign a new name for the hard drive. As soon as you confirm the "Erase" again, the formatting begins.
  7. Proceed in this way with each partition and hard drive until all files have been removed.

Attention to neutrality

Assign the names after formatting the hard drives of the MacBook as neutral as possible. This is the only way to ensure that the new owner cannot draw any conclusions about the previously stored items.

By Beverle Kamman

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