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Setting up Kodi on the Raspberry Pi - how to use it

You can set up the media center Kodi on almost any Raspberry Pi. But again, it is recommended to use a newer device, as this gives HD or even Ultra HD playback of the various content. It also lends itself to streaming videos or music.

How to set up Kodi on Raspberry Pi

If you want to set up Kodi media center on your Raspberry Pi, you need some items first. First and foremost, you will need a Raspberry Pi. This should, if possible, be WLAN and Bluetooth capable. Alternatively, a connection via LAN cable is possible. You will also need an SD or microSD card, a USB power supply and a PC with which you can set up the Pi.
  1. Download OpenELEC to your PC via the appropriate website. Via "Downloads" you can find the right version for each Pi on the page. To do this, click on "Raspberry Pi Builds", then next to "Stable" you will find the required "Disk Image", which you need to save on your computer.
  2. Once the download is complete, unzip the file using an appropriate program such as WinRAR.
  3. After that, it is necessary to install OpenELEC on the SD card. For this you need another program. Here you can also take a tool of your choice.
  4. Start the program and then click on "Select Image". Wählen Sie nun die zuvor entpackte Datei aus.
  5. Schließen Sie die SD-Karte an Ihren Computer an und wählen Sie diese im Programm aus.
  6. Über „Flash“ wird die SD-Karte fertiggestellt und Sie können diese in den Pi stecken.

By Zindman Heneisen

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