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Raspberry Pi: Setting up WLAN - how to get access

If you construct your PC via Raspberry Pi, then you also need WLAN to establish ideal functionality. To do this, you can choose between three options, each of which allows you to establish a connection to the WLAN. Which way you choose depends on the purpose of use of your Pi.

These are the options you have to get access to the WLAN

Which option is best for you depends on the model of your Raspberry Pi. Because there are differences that require different approaches.
  • Should you use a Raspberry Pi 3 or 4, you do not have to worry about setting up the WLAN. This is because the board already includes a WLAN module that you only need to connect to your router.
  • If you are using a different Raspberry Pi model, you will need to work with a WLAN adapter that plugs into a USB port.
  • However, this still does not guarantee that the connection will be unproblematic, as the appropriate driver still needs to be installed.
You have three options for setting up your WLAN adapter or driver:
  • WLAN configuration with "systemd"
  • WLAN configuration with "wpa_supplicant"
  • WLAN configuration with the file "/etc/network/interfaces"
Which option you prefer depends on both your preferences and your skills. However, either option will work and provide an active WLAN connection. Optionally, you can also set up the WLAN via the GUI. For this, you just need to install the latest version of the Raspberry Pi operating system. You can then set up the WLAN via the LXDE desktop using the corresponding interface.

By Templa Grodin

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