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Terraria pickaxe - how to mine the ores in the world

In the open-world game Terraria you can design your world the way you want it. You can build houses or even craft different items and tools. Tools are used to mine more resources or have some other useful purpose. There are also different models of pickaxes.

This is what you need to know about the pickaxe in Terraria

  • The pickaxe is one of the most important tools in Terraria.
  • The pickaxe is used to mine ore and stone. But also soil and other materials, as well as furniture and wooden blocks can be mined.
  • When the game begins, you start with a copper pickaxe. However, you can make better and better picks in the course.
  • The different picks have different values, which say a lot about the durability, damage and mining capabilities. There are the pickaxe strength and the axe strength in percent, the damage, the width and the speed.
  • The speed value indicates how fast you can mine with the respective pickaxe.
  • The best pickaxes that you can get in the game are the Stardust, Vortex, Nebula, and Solar pickaxe. Jedoch sind diese recht langsam.
  • Möchten Sie am schnellsten abbauen, dann ist die Shroomite Diggin Claw die beste Wahl.
  • Alle möglichen Spitzhacken, die Sie im Spiel herstellen oder finden, sind im Terraria-Wiki mit den Werten aufgezählt.
  • Als Alternative zu den Spitzhacken können Sie diverse Bohrer herstellen. Diese werden zudem für bestimmte Erze benötigt.

By Freeland Goodlow

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