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Windows 10: Log off users - these options are available

Windows 10 gives you the option to create different user accounts. So it is not a problem that several people use the same computer. Once you are done working on the PC, you can log out in a few steps so that another user can log in.

How to log out the current user in Windows 10

If more than one person is using the same computer or you don't want anyone to get to your data while you're away, you should log out of your user account.
  1. To do this, click on the Windows icon to open the menu.
  2. Select the power icon at the very bottom and then click on your profile name. Alternatively, you can click directly on your profile picture in the Start menu.
  3. After that, another menu opens. Here you will see the item "Log out". Click on it to log out of your account.
  4. Another option is to use a key combination. This can be especially useful if you are in a hurry.
  5. To do this, click on a free space on your desktop. Then press the key combination "Alt" + "F4". Nun erscheint ein neues Fenster.
  6. Klicken Sie auf den Pfeil neben dem Eintrag unter „Wählen Sie einen Vorgang aus“. Wählen Sie im Dropdown-Menü die Aktion „Abmelden“ aus.
  7. Bestätigen Sie die Auswahl über „Ok“.

By Taryn

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