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Facebook: Nudge - here's how the feature works

Facebook offers its users a feature that makes contacting them even easier. Instead of writing a message to initiate the first contact with new or even old friends, you can simply nudge Facebook friends.

Nudge Facebook: How it works

The nudge feature is used to remember old friends or meet new people without being intrusive. If sometimes the right words are missing, nudging can be very useful.
  1. First, open the Facebook website and log in with your account.
  2. Using the search bar, now enter the name of the desired person and get to the respective Facebook profile.
  3. In the last step, first click on the button "..." and now select "Nudge".
  4. The nudge was successful, once a window opens automatically.
Here you will be informed that you have nudged the friend.

Facebook: Nudge - how does nudge back work?

  1. First, visit the Facebook homepage again and click on the world icon.
  2. Here you click the notification that you have been nudged.
  3. Nun können Sie über die Schaltfläche „Zurückstupsen“ den Kontakt ebenfalls anstupsen.
  4. Facebook-Nutzer können sich beliebig oft anstupsen, vorausgesetzt der Empfänger nutzt die Funktion des Zurückstupsens.

By Ky

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