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iCloud: Set up family sharing - how to do it

Apple is known for letting you network all your devices. This is where iCloud comes to your rescue. With this service, your Apple devices are synced with each other. If you want to share your content with your family, you have the option to set up family sharing.

How to set up a family share for iCloud

If you want to share your iCloud content with others, you have the option to set up a family share. With this, you can add up to six family members and share any content from iTunes, Apple Books or other Apple services. Moreover, you can set which content you want to share. Note, when you enable the option to share your purchases, you will need to provide a valid payment method such as credit or debit card, as this will also be used to pay for the family members' purchases.
  1. Go to the "Settings" on one of your Apple devices.
  2. Then click on the name of your Apple account that you provided. This is usually displayed at the top of the app.
  3. Then open the "iCloud" option. Beachten Sie, dass Sie in älteren iOS-Versionen direkt auf „Einstellungen“ > “iCloud“ gehen können.
  4. Hier klicken Sie auf den Punkt „Familienfreigabe einrichten“ und danach auf „Los geht’s“.
  5. Anschließend müssen Sie den Anweisungen auf Ihrem Bildschirm folgen.
  6. Haben Sie die Freigabe eingerichtet, können Sie diese über „Familie“ über die jeweilige E-Mail-Adresse einladen.

By Riva

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