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IP Address: Windows 10 change - so it goes

Each IP address is assigned only once, so you can be uniquely identified. However, if you want to be undetected on the Internet, you must disguise your IP address. Alternatively, you can regularly change your IP address. This can be done manually or with a suitable software.

How to change your IP address in Windows 10

Once you connect your computer to the Internet, the DHCP protocol usually assigns you an IP address automatically. However, if you want to change it, this is possible via the Windows settings. Alternatively, you can use third-party software that automatically changes your IP address.
  1. Go to the Control Panel on your computer. You can find this via the Windows 10 search function.
  2. Then select the "View network status and tasks" item and then click "Change adapter settings". This button can be found on the left side.
  3. Right-click on your network and then click on "Settings".
  4. Select the entry "Internet Protocol, Version 4 (TC/IPv4)".
  5. Activate the option "Use the following IP address".
  6. Now you can manually enter a desired IP address in the field provided. Note that the address must not already be assigned within your network.
  7. Alternatively, you can use third-party software. Hierbei bietet sich beispielsweise Nord-VPN an. Starten Sie nach der Installation das Tool. Die IP-Adresse wird anschließend automatisch verändert.

By Shirk

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