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Change IP address on Windows 10 - it's that easy

The IP address ensures that your device and also your location can be detected. This is not always in your best interest. That's why we're going to show you how to change your IP address on Windows 10 to get around locks on the Internet.

Change your IP address

Your IP address, which is short for Internet Protocol Address, consists of four blocks of numbers from 0 to 255. Through this individual number, each device can be identified.
  1. Start your device and open the Control Panel.
  2. Now you need to select the section "Network and Internet" and then select "View network status and tasks".
  3. Click on the option "Change adapter settings".
  4. Now you get an overview of the present network in which you want to change your IP address. For this, select the entry "Properties".
  5. Search until you find the item "Internet Protocol, Version 4" and use a double click to edit this aspect.
  6. Check the box "Use the following IP address". This prevents the network from automatically obtaining an address.
  7. Enter a new IP address. Make sure that the number is not already used in your network. Sonst kann es zu Problemen kommen.

Lassen Sie sich helfen

Wenn Sie es schwierig finden, eine neue IP-Adresse zu erstellen, dann können Sie auch einfach einen Generator im Internet verwenden. Achten Sie jedoch auch hier darauf, dass die Adresse nicht bereits in Ihrem Netzwerk verwendet wird.

By Barbie

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