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Android: Not enough memory

It is quite possible that you completely occupy the memory on your Android device. If that's the case, you won't be able to take new photos, accept files, and most importantly, update. Most of the time, however, it is very easy to free up memory.

Android: Not enough memory - these tricks help

Freeing up memory on your smartphone is basically quite easy. To begin with, you should delete all files from the device that you don't need anyway.
  1. Start by uninstalling all apps on your smartphone that you hardly use or don't use at all. Apps already consume a lot of memory and slow down your smartphone.
  2. Go through your photos and videos and delete what you no longer need.
  3. Just by using WhatsApp accumulates very quickly a lot of data junk that you do not need at all.
  4. Delete all pictures and files that you do not need on your smartphone.
  5. Many smartphones already have a software to automatically clean up the smartphone.
  6. A scan frees your smartphone from data junk and shows possible optimizations.

All steps have been performed, the memory is still full

  1. Of course, sometimes the greatest efforts can do little.
  2. Überlegen Sie sich, eine SD-Karte in Ihrem Smartphone zu nutzen.
  3. Auf den Datenträger können Sie installierte Apps auslagern, Fotos und Musik übertragen und vor allem das Gerät um Speicher erweitern.

By Drusi

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