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Laptop with 8 GB RAM - is that enough?

Working memory has undergone revolutionary development in recent years. It wasn't long ago that 8 GB of RAM in a computer was already considered very powerful. In the meantime, a size of at least 16 GB can be found in many systems. Is so much RAM really necessary?

Laptop with 8 GB RAM: That's why it's too little

Generally, 8 GB of available RAM is sufficient. In most cases, however, it starts to run out at this size.
  1. Depending on the model of a laptop, other hardware components naturally come into play besides the RAM when it comes to determining performance.
  2. Often, however, it is precisely the RAM that is saved on laptops on sale.
  3. 8 GB of RAM are even now often seen in some models and that is far from sufficient.
  4. Even when idle, a Windows PC consumes between two and four gigabytes of RAM, even if no other application is active.
  5. Should you use a browser, the RAM can already run full quickly by this application.

Laptop: Upgrade memory

  1. In addition to the size of the RAM, the architecture as well as the clock speed is particularly crucial.
  2. Wollen Sie Ihren Laptop mit mehr RAM aufrüsten, müssen Sie darauf achten, den bereits verbauten Arbeitsspeicher erneut zu kaufen, da es andernfalls zu Kompatibilitäts-Problemen kommen kann.
  3. Beim kompletten Austausch des Speichers müssen Sie darauf achten, dass dieser mit Ihrem Mainboard kompatibel ist.

By Hedy

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