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iOS 12: Lockscreen - how to display the weather

iOS is not exactly known for having particularly fancy lockscreens. Besides the date and time, no other display is possible in this window. By using a trick on iOS 12, you can also get the current weather displayed, at least for a short time.

iOS 12 lockscreen: How the trick works

The only problem with displaying the weather in the lockscreen is that it is not actually intended. Therefore, the option can only be used for a short time.
  1. First, you need to set up special rights for the weather function on the smartphone.
  2. To do this, go to "Private" in your settings and further to "Location Services".
  3. Search for the entry "Weather" and select it.
  4. Now activate the function to the option "Always" and leave the entry.
  5. Now you also need to activate the "Do not disturb" function and additionally set a "Bedtime" mode.
  6. In the best case, the time period for the bedtime is exactly when you go to bed anyway.

iOS 12: How to display the weather

  1. Once the bedtime is now over, the weather and a welcome message will be displayed on your lockscreen.
  2. Problematisch ist nur, dass sobald das Smartphone einmal entsperrt wurde, das Wetter erst nach Ablauf der neuen Schlafenszeit wieder angezeigt wird.
  3. Bisher gibt es keine Angaben dazu, ob sich das Feature in zukünftigen Versionen durchsetzt.

By Madge Yarwood

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