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Linux: Delete password - how to do it

Linux is one of the most popular operating systems, because you can practically compose the complete system yourself. Linux also allows you to create multiple users to separate accounts on the PC. If you want to delete the password for one of these users, this is easily done with the root access rights.

How to delete password on Linux

To delete a Linux password, you need the admin or root privileges on the PC. Also, you need the name of the account where you want to delete the password.
  1. Open a terminal by using the shortcut "Ctrl" + "T" or search for terminal in the program search.
  2. Now you can use the command "sudo passwd -d <username>" to delete the password from the person with the corresponding username. So, since you run the command with "sudo" as root user, you will be prompted to enter your own password.
  3. If you want to delete your own password, but do not know your username, just enter the command "whoami" and you will get the information you need.
For most of the functions you use in Linux, you use so-called terminal commands to call them. If you are not very familiar with terminal commands, it is recommended to read some tips for beginners to get a better understanding.

By Steve

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