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Linux: Change password - how to secure your account

As with all operating systems, you can also create a user account for Linux distributions. This consists of a username and a suitable password. To keep your account secure, it is important to change the password at regular intervals. To perform the procedure, you only need the appropriate command.

How to change your password on Linux

If you use one of the Linux distributions as your operating system, most settings and changes are performed via console commands. If you want to change your own password or that of another user, then this is also possible via the console.
  1. To change your password, first open a new console window using the search function or the key combination "Ctrl" + "Alt" + "T".
  2. Now enter the command "passwd" in the console and confirm it with the "Enter" key.
  3. Followed by this, you will be prompted to enter your previous password.
  4. Now you must enter your new password and confirm it with the "Enter" key.
  5. Now you will be prompted to enter and confirm this password again.
  6. If the process was successful, the message "Password changed successfully" will be displayed in the console.
  7. If you want to change the password of a specific user, enter the command "sudo passwd <username>". Ersetzen Sie <Benutzername> mit dem Namen des Accounts, dessen Passwort Sie ändern möchten.
  8. Anschließend können Sie auch dieses Passwort wie oben beschrieben anpassen.

By Hardy

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