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Cyberpunk 2077 and Smart Delivery - what does that mean?

Despite the second postponement - or maybe because of it - the gaming world is eagerly awaiting Cyberpunk 2077. In this context, the term Smart Delivery often comes up. We explain what it's all about.

Only benefits: Smart Delivery means Cyberpunk 2077's free upgrade for new consoles.

Due to the success of the Witcher series, the advance praise for Cyberpunk 2077 is enormous. At least in terms of customer satisfaction, CD Projekt Red is already setting the course.

Cyberpunk 2077: Smart Delivery good for console players

For the explanation of Smart Delivery, the background and context are important:
  • As of now, Cyberpunk 2077 will be released on 19. November 2020.
  • This is just before the release of the two next-generation consoles PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, which is inconvenient for many console gamers. After all, they want to play the sci-fi hit directly when it is released.
  • This is where Smart Delivery comes into play: namely, this means that buyers of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions can upgrade the game for free for the newer consoles as soon as they are released. Consequently, this is an upward compatibility.
The worry of a necessary double purchase is thus unfounded and that goes down well with gamers of both camps. As soon as the new consoles are released, owners of the game can simply continue playing there, and with improved graphics.As if that were not enough, developer CD Projekt Red is even planning another version. This version will be released much later, but will make even better use of the technology of the new consoles. The best part: The upgrade to this version would also be free for owners of the game.

By Dave

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