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Fallout 4 Far Harbor: Armors - how the item helps you

In the Far Harbor DLC of Fallout 4 you will encounter new quests in a harbor area. The fishermen there have already developed numerous armors and weapons that you can equip yourself with as well. You'll encounter new tactical helmets and various fishing outfits. Even a diving suit is included.

These armors are available in the Fallout 4 DLC Far Harbor

On the gloomy fishing island of Far Harbor, a DLC for Fallout 4, you will meet various characters. They have new tasks in store for you, where new equipment can hardly do any harm. In addition to various new weapons, you will also find new clothing.
  1. At the very beginning of the DLC, you will find a marine wetsuit at the merchant Kane. This consists of a black diving suit and a tactical helmet. Optionally, you can also get this in the course of the main quest.
  2. Three variants and a legendary version are available from the Marine armor. You can also buy these from a merchant or get hold of in the course of quests.
  3. If you need something that allows you to breathe underwater and protected from radiation damage, then the rescue diving suit may be right for you. For this you need to successfully complete the quest series "The Changing Tide".
  4. In the DLC you can also join the faction "Children of Atom" and accordingly receive the Robe of Atom's Devotees. Einen Hut erhalten Sie nach Abschluss der Quest „Prüfung von Bruder Devin“.
  5. Auf einer Fischerinsel gibt es auch diverse Fischer-Outfits. Diese erhalten Sie in verschiedenen Ausführungen.

By Maddocks Partelow

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