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Fix Windows: Update Error 0x800f081e

When updating your device on Windows 10, you may receive the error message 0x800f081e. In order for you to fix the problem, you first need to know what the message means. Following that, you can quickly and effectively resolve the error.

How to resolve the error message

The reason you get the 0x800f081e error message is because you want to update, but you don't have all the necessary files yet.
  1. Open the Windows search bar, type "cmd" and use a right click. Jetzt wählen Sie aus, dass Sie den Befehl als Administrator ausführen möchten.
  2. Es erscheint nun eine Zeile, in die Sie „net stop wuauserv“, „net stop bits“ und „net stop cryptsvc“ eintragen.
  3. Nun benennen Sie das Verzeichnis „SoftwareDistribution“ um, indem Sie „ren c:\windows\SoftwareDistribution c:\windows\SoftwareDistribution.OLD“ eingeben. This will cause Windows to download all files for it the next time you try to update. Thus, you will also get the files that you are currently missing.
  4. Re-enter the commands "net start cryptsvc", "net start bits" and "net start wuauserv" to start the terminated services. Now the update should be installed without any problems.

How does the error occur?

It may be that there was a malfunction during the download of the necessary files or individual files were stopped by the firewall or virus program. This causes the file to be downloaded incompletely and the update cannot be completed.

By Gambrell Nicolosi

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