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Jira: Dark Mode - does it exist?

Jira is a program used to plan and manage projects until the release of a software. There you can work together as a team and also view the status of your project. In addition, the software holds many other useful tools.

Is there a dark mode in Jira?

A "dark mode" is particularly easy on the eyes when working on the PC, as it darkens the screen and filters out the blue light. This is harmful to the eyes and can often lead to sleep problems. If you like to work in the evening or at night, then it is especially recommended to use this "night mode". Jira doesn't have this mode up its sleeve, so it can be quite annoying if you have to switch back and forth between it and other programs and the lighting conditions keep changing. A remedy for this is a special extension that is tailored specifically to Jira and thus gives you access to a "Dark Mode".
  1. To do this, call up the website "https://marketplace.atlassian.com/" in your browser.
  2. There, enter "Dark Mode for Jira" in the search bar at the top.
  3. Then click on "Try it free".
  4. Nun müssen Sie sich entweder mit einem bestehenden Account einloggen oder einen neuen anlegen.
  5. Anschließend können Sie die Erweiterung herunterladen.
  6. Daraufhin installieren Sie sie, wobei Sie den Anweisungen auf Ihrem Bildschirm folgen.
  7. Nach der Installation können Sie in Jira zwischen drei verschiedenen Dark Modes wählen.

By Ciro

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