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Valheim: How to start fireworks - all info

Many features of Valheim are not explicitly explained in the game or even hinted at. This also applies to the fireworks, which you can launch into the sky with relatively simple means.

Distraction from hard work: fireworks create a festive mood in Valheim.

To this end, you should first know that fireworks are purely visual fun and have no functionality beyond that. In this respect

Valheim: Start fireworks - this is how

For fireworks you need only two things:
  1. Build a fire, for example a bonfire, outdoors.
  2. Procure Surtling cores, if you do not already have them anyway.
  3. Then position yourself in front of the fire, open the inventory and throw a Surtling core into the fire.
As a result of this explosive combination, fireworks rise into the sky. For special occasions or just to try it out, this feature is nice to have. However, keep in mind that you will always need surtling cores for important purposes during the gameplay, most importantly for building portals.

By Rico

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