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Amazon Smile: Select organization - here's how it works

With the Smile program, Amazon customers can donate to charitable organizations while shopping - at no extra cost of their own. We explain how to select or change the supported organization in your account.

Donate passively: Donating through Smile means no extra cost to you.

When you make purchases through Amazon's Smile program, 0.5 percent of the purchase value goes to an organization of your choice. You can change this at any time.

Amazon Smile: How to get to the organization selection

Important: To access your Smile settings, you do not need to go to the normal Amazon domain, but to the Smile URL https://smile.amazon.de/.
  1. Then click on "My Account" at the top of the menu.
  2. At the bottom, you will see the "Shopping Programs" section. Select "AmazonSmile Change Organization".
  3. Now you can select or change an organization.
This is done, for example, using the list, but the program includes a five-digit number of organization - a good overview is therefore hardly possible. Therefore, the search bar is useful, with which you can search for topics or make geographical restrictions. Direct name entries are also possible here. If you have made the selection, this is active for each purchase via the Smile program.

By Philbin

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