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Windows 10: Manage through your organization

When you try to make changes to the settings of your Windows 10 PC, you may see the message "Some settings are managed by your organization". Find out the exact meaning of the message and how to work around it in our article.

Windows 10: Some settings are managed by your organization

If you see the message "Some settings are managed by your organization" in the settings of your Windows 10 computer, there are several reasons for this. If the PC is a company PC, you cannot make many changes to the settings yourself because you do not have administrator rights. But the message can also appear on a private computer. If this is the case for you, the cause is usually a program that blocks a change to the settings.

How to solve the problem

If you receive the message on your company PC that certain settings are managed by your organization, please contact your company's IT department so that they can make the desired changes. If, on the other hand, the problem occurs on your private PC, please proceed as follows:
  1. Open Windows Settings and navigate to "Privacy" > "Feedback and Diagnostics".
  2. Look for the "Diagnostics and Usage Data" entry there and select at least the "Enhanced" option from the drop-down menu.
  3. Erscheint die Meldung nach dieser Änderung weiterhin, prüfen Sie bitte, ob Sie ein Datenschutz-Tool wie W10Privacy oder O&O ShutUp10 auf Ihrem Windows-PC installiert haben.
  4. Ist dies der Fall, deinstallieren Sie das Programm bitte unter „Systemsteuerung“ > „Programme und Features“.

By Evonne Mccafferty

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