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Hamachi shows yellow triangle: workaround

You want to log in to your Hamachi server, but suddenly you see in the client that Hamachi shows a yellow triangle? It is impossible to connect under these circumstances, but often it can be easily restored.

What to do if Hamachi shows a yellow triangle?

If Hamachi shows you a yellow triangle, you probably already suspect that this can't mean anything good. The server you are trying to log into seems to be unavailable to you at the moment, and this can have several causes. However, you can often remedy this quite easily:
  1. First, check in the client which version of Hamachi you have. On this website you will find the latest version of Hamachi - if it is newer, Hamachi will show a yellow triangle because it is out of date. Just install the update.
  2. If you have the latest version, then restart Hamachi.
  3. After that, restart your computer if the previous step didn't help.
  4. Allow Hamachi in the firewall.
  5. If the service is currently malfunctioning and it's not your settings, all you can do is wait.

Einstellungen für das Netzwerk ändern

  1. Öffnen Sie die Systemsteuerung und dann das Netzwerk- und Freigabecenter.
  2. Klicken Sie links auf „Adaptereinstellungen ändern“ und wählen Sie dann Hamachi aus.
  3. Verändern Sie nun die Priorität der Hamachi-Verbindung, indem Sie sie über den Pfeil an die erste Stelle verschieben.
  4. Klicken Sie abschließend auf „OK“.

By Elburt

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