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AVG AntiVirus won't start: workaround

If you want to open AVG AntiVirus as usual, but the antivirus program just won't start, there are some errors that could be responsible for this. Especially if you do not get an exact error message, some tinkering is necessary.

First steps: AVG AntiVirus does not start

If AVG AntiVirus does not start anymore, sometimes only small temporary errors are to blame. Therefore, try the following steps first:
  • Open Task Manager and check if you can find AVG AntiVirus among the processes. If the program appears here, although it does not launch, end the process and then test it again.
  • Right-click the AVG AntiVirus icon and select "Run as administrator".
  • Restart your PC.
  • Make sure that you do not have any other antivirus software installed that is currently running. The other software might classify the virus scanner as a threat and therefore block it from running.

Error about missing DLL

Some users receive a message that a "DLL file" (link: https://tipps.computerbild.de/software/systemsoftware/dll-dateien-oeffnen-wie-geht-das-493975.html) is missing, which is why AVG AntiVirus cannot be started. However, if you try to re-insert the file into Windows, the error is not fixed. The reason for this is that the real problem is with Visual C++. Install the latest version of it to fix the problem.

Reinstall antivirus program

If everything does not help, you need to uninstall AVG AntiVirus and then download and install it again. This will fix errors in the installation files, so the software should start again without any problems afterwards.

By Hallee

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