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Microplastics app - how to scan your products

It is becoming increasingly known that manufacturers use microplastics in their products. Since the artificial material is cheaper than sand, for example, it is often used in scrubs, creams or shampoo. If the microplastic gets into the water, it can poison the environment in the long term.

With these apps you can find the microplastic

Microplastic is often used as a substitute for natural ingredients like sand. It is cheaper and achieves a similar exfoliating effect in the process. However, the artificial substance is toxic to the environment and gets into the water by using the products. For this reason, it is important to stop using products that contain microplastics. Whether your used cosmetic products also contain microplastics, you can learn about apps that show you the exact content.
  1. Download the app "CodeCheck" from the appropriate app store and install it.
  2. Start the app. First, you need to select a profile. To be warned about microplastics, select "Green-Checker". Alternatively, change the profile later in the settings of the app.
  3. About the home page of the app, you will find a blue button, which is located at the bottom right. Anschließend startet die Kamera, mit der Sie den Barcode eines Produkts scannen können.
  4. Halten Sie den Barcode vor die Kamera, sodass dieser innerhalb des Kästchens zu sehen ist.
  5. Sobald der Scan durchgeführt wurde, sehen Sie alle Inhaltsstoffe auf einem Blick. Zudem werden Sie auf besonders gefährliche Inhalte wie Mikroplastik hingewiesen.

By Lela

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