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Sense home page was terminated - this helps

The Sense home page is a system app that is present on all HTC brand smartphones. If you get a message on your HTC device that the Sense home screen has been terminated, there is a problem with the app.

"Sense home screen has been terminated": this is the cause of the error message

On HTC brand smartphones, Sense is used as the user interface. If you receive the message "Sense start page has been terminated" on your HTC smartphone, this can have several causes. Most often, the problem occurs when there is too little free RAM on your device. However, the error message can also occur if you previously tried to turn on your HTC device when the battery was empty. If the cache of the Sense home screen was corrupted in the process, the message will still be displayed, even if the battery has been fully charged in the meantime.

How to fix the error message "Sense home screen has been terminated"

If you see the error message "Sending home screen has been terminated" on your HTC smartphone, you can solve the problem by clearing the cache of the device.
  1. To do this, first open the Settings app of the HTC device and tap the icon with the three dots in the "Apps" section.
  2. Select the "Show system" option there to display all system apps.
  3. Suchen Sie in der Liste der System-Apps nach der App „Sense Startbildschirm“, tippen Sie diese an und wählen Sie „Speicher“ aus.
  4. Hier haben Sie nun die Möglichkeit, alle Daten und den Cache der App zu löschen, indem Sie auf die entsprechenden Schaltflächen tippen.
  5. Sobald Sie Ihr HTC-Smartphone anschließend neustarten, sollte die Fehlermeldung nicht mehr angezeigt werden.

By Darcy Tejeiro

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