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iOS 12: Restrictions - new name for the feature

With the introduction of iOS 12, many users were at a loss: some functions and settings were moved and are now accessible through other menus. Among other things, "Restrictions" could still be accessed easily through the iPhone's general settings until the update.

iOS 12 Restrictions: How to enable them now

Using restrictions, you can specify which features and apps are accessible once your children start using the device.
  1. Restrictions, meanwhile, can no longer be simply set, but must first be fundamentally enabled as a feature.
  2. Restrictions have been renamed Screen Time in the latest version of iOS.
  3. This is Apple's attempt to give the feature a clearer description.
  4. So go to Settings and navigate to "Screen Time."
  5. Now there, tap "Content & Privacy Restrictions" and select "Content Restrictions".
  6. Now you can assign a password, by which the restrictions are subsequently removed again.
  7. Repeat the password to confirm it finally.
  8. Now you have the option to set various restrictions to all possible functions.

Code für Bildschirmzeit vergessen

  1. Sollten Sie den Code versehentlich vergessen haben, können Sie die Einschränkungen nicht wieder aufheben.
  2. In diesem Fall hilft aktuell nur das komplette Zurücksetzen des Gerätes, um die Sperre zu umgehen.
  3. In vorherigen Versionen von iOS konnten Sie mithilfe der Software „Pinfinder“ das Passwort zurücksetzen. Die App gibt es jedoch bislang nicht für iOS 12.

By Rafter Steinburg

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