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Elite Dangerous: Earning money - what you need to consider

Elite Dangerous is a multiplayer game in which you fight your way through an open world with a spaceship. In the process, you also earn credits, which you can in turn use to upgrade or replace your spaceship.

How to earn money in Elite Dangerous

If you want to own an advanced spaceship in Elite Dangerous, you need credits. This is the in-game currency. Since the release of Elite Dangerous, the ways to earn money quickly have been constantly changing. At the moment, especially the so-called deep core mining provides a high profit. However, this can change at any time.
  1. In the game itself, there are various ways to get credits. This offers, for example, the collection and sale of materials and resources.
  2. In addition to trade, there is also the bounty hunting and mining.
  3. Since the release of the game, there have been improvements again and again. So at the beginning could still be earned with the bounty hunting the most money. Meanwhile, however, this has been greatly replaced by mining.
  4. Since new expansions are released every year, this can also change. In the official forums of the game, many players therefore exchange about the current best way to earn money.

By Lowson Biernacki

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