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Windows 8: Uninstall Update - how to do it

In Windows 8, updates for installed programs and the operating system itself are performed regularly. If problems occur with an update, you have the option to uninstall it again. How this works and which procedure is necessary for a downgrade of Windows 8, you can read here.

Windows 8: How to uninstall individual updates

If you encounter problems with an update or want to uninstall it for some other reason, this is possible via the PC's Control Panel. To open the Control Panel of your Windows 8 computer, please press the Windows key. To get to the home page, search for "Control Panel" there and click the corresponding search result.
  1. Now go to the "Programs" category in the Control Panel and click "Programs and Features" there.
  2. Thereupon a new window opens, in which you click on the left please "Show installed updates".
  3. Search in the displayed list for the update that you want to uninstall, right-click on it and select "Uninstall" from the context menu.
  4. Once you have confirmed the security prompt with "Yes", the update will be uninstalled from your PC.

Updates: How to uninstall Windows 8 completely

If you have updated your computer to Windows 8 and are not satisfied with the new operating system, you have the option to uninstall it by performing a downgrade. To do this, first create a backup of your PC and insert the installation CD of the older Windows version. Then boot the computer from the installation CD and follow the further instructions.

By Massey Bordin

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