How to uninstall programs in Windows 10
Over time, your computer accumulates more and more programs that occupy your memory and slow down the system. For this reason, it is worth uninstalling applications that you no longer need. In Windows 10, this is possible in just a few steps via the Control Panel.
Uninstalling programs in Windows 10: The same way as in Windows 95.
How to uninstall programs in Windows 10
To rid your computer of old programs, you have two different options in Windows 10.- Call up the Control Panel by entering the term "Control Panel" in the search and clicking on the result with the same name.
- Click on "Uninstall Programs" under "Programs" in the Control Panel.
- You will now see a list of all installed programs. Click on the program you want to uninstall and then at the top of the menu bar on "Uninstall" or "Uninstall/Change".
- You may now need to confirm that you want to uninstall the program.
- Alternatively, go to the settings in Windows and click on "Apps and Features". On the right side, you will now see all the applications and the space required for them.
- Click on an entry and then go to the "Uninstall" button.