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Can you play GameCube games on the Wii U?

Often the games of older consoles are not compatible with the newer models of a manufacturer. If you still have old GameCube games and would like to play them on Nintendo's new Wii U, we'll show you in this article whether that's possible.

Wii U: In these cases, playing GameCube games is possible

If you want to play old GameCube games on a Wii console, this is only possible for some console models. If you are still using a Wii that was purchased before 2011, it is usually suitable for using GameCube games and accessories. To check whether your Wii console supports the use of old games, it is necessary to look at the device number of the console. You can find this either on the console's packaging or on the bottom of the Wii next to the "Mode No." entry. If your Wii console has the device number RVL-001, you can use it to play your GameCube games.

How to play GameCube games on the Wii U

If your Wii is capable of playing old GameCube games, you can simply plug the games into the appropriate slots on the Wii. If, on the other hand, you have a newer Wii U, the use of GameCube games is only possible in a roundabout way.
  1. To do this, you need an SD card formatted in FAT32 format and copy the tools "CleanRip" and "Devolution" to the card.
  2. Anschließend ist es erforderlich, das gewünschte GameCube-Spiel auf die SD-Karte zu übertragen, indem Sie im Homebrew-Channel zu „CleanRip“ > „Laden“ gehen.
  3. Nun müssen Sie alle GALPOI-Dateien in den Ordner „games“ auf der SD-Karte verschieben, bevor Sie die Karte in eine Wii-Konsole einlegen und mithilfe des Devolution-Tools formatieren.

By Sauncho Cathers

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