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Zoom: Waiting room release - definition and usage

On the Zoom platform, you can participate in meetings and conferences or plan them yourself. There are numerous features available to make the process easier for you. These include the option of a waiting room, which you can set up as you see fit.

How waiting room sharing works on Zoom

A waiting room on Zoom gives you control over when a participant is added to the meeting. However, this option is only available to you as the host, which means you must have control over the meeting. So you can let individual participants stay in it until the meeting starts, or you can gather all the contributors there to add them together afterwards. Guests and users without a login, as well as those you don't have in your Zoom account, can also be sent to the waiting room.
  1. To use waiting room sharing on Zoom, log in to the platform as an administrator at the beginning.
  2. Then select "Account Management" in the navigation pane and then go to "Account Settings."
  3. Now switch to the "Waiting Room" option and click "Meeting." Check here whether the setting is activated.
  4. Now you can individually determine for which participants the waiting room release applies and how it is applied. Wählen Sie hier zwischen „Alle Teilnehmer“ oder „Nur Gastteilnehmer“.
  5. Damit haben Sie festgelegt, wie Ihr Warteraum verwendet wird und Sie haben im Anschluss die Möglichkeit, die dort versammelten Teilnehmer einzeln oder nach und nach dem eigentlichen Meeting zuzufügen.
  6. Die Nutzer sehen in dieser Zeit einen Text, den Sie individuell gestalten können, um sie auf den Aufenthalt im Warteraum hinzuweisen.

By Roos Carranzo

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