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LG G8S display repair: find the right provider

The LG G8S can only be repaired by a professional if the display is damaged. You can send the phone to a repair shop and have the display replaced. Unlike in-store repair, many online repair shops offer warranty and other practical benefits.

What to do if the display of your LG G8S is defective?

A broken display is one of the most common types of damage to a smartphone. It can be very expensive to replace, so you should think carefully about whether it is worth it to have a broken display repaired. The screen of the LG G8S cannot be replaced by the user, since all parts of the smartphone are permanently installed together. This also makes the repair more expensive than for an iPhone, for example. You can find numerous providers on the Internet that offer a quick repair. Here you get additional benefits such as warranty or replacement phones for the duration of the repair.

You can use these online workshops

  1. Handycrash 24: The workshop offers a 24-hour repair, six-month warranty and free pickup and delivery.
  2. Mobile repair123: Here you also get free insured shipping and a repair in 24 to 48 hours. Außerdem gibt der Anbieter an, dass Daten erhalten bleiben und sichert diese im Zweifelsfall auf einem separaten Medium.
  3. McRepair: Hier können Sie Ihr Handy versichert einsenden oder bei einer von zahlreichen Annahmestellen abgeben. Die Reparatur dauert hier allerdings länger als bei den anderen Anbietern.

By Watanabe

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