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Ubuntu: Set up a network - this option is available

Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux distributions. If you want to set up a network, this is possible through a Network Manager. With this, your network can be configured and managed at any time. If you do not yet have the manager on your system, you must first download and install it.

How to set up your network on Ubuntu

If you are using the Ubuntu distribution as your operating system, then you can use the Network Manager to set up your network. Once you have installed it, there are only a few steps to complete the process.
  1. Start your Ubuntu PC and open a terminal window. Usually, the corresponding application will be displayed on the left side on your desktop.
  2. If you now want to install the Network Manager on your system, enter the command "sudo apt-get install network-manager network-manager-gnome -y" without quotes. Confirm this afterwards with the Enter key.
  3. The installation will now be performed. Once it is complete, you will find a shortcut to the software in your taskbar. If you want to start the application via the terminal, you need the command "nm-applet".
  4. Within the program, you now have the option to set up your network. In doing so, you can add new connections or remove them again. You can also adjust the respective settings via the program.
  5. The connections are organized in different categories. Under "Wired" you will find all wired connections and under "Wireless" all WLAN connections.

By Radford

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