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Ubuntu full reset - this option is available

If your system has become too slow or you want to delete all files and settings from your system for some other reason, you can reset it. However, Ubuntu does not have a separate option to reset the operating system. For this, you need to reinstall Ubuntu completely.

How to reset Ubuntu

If you want to reset or delete all settings and files from your system, it can help to completely reset your operating system. Ubuntu does not have a feature for this process, so you will have to choose another option. You need to completely reinstall Ubuntu.
  1. The first thing you need to do is download the latest Ubuntu version to your computer.
  2. Now connect a USB stick to your computer.
  3. Next, from the Start menu, open the "Startup Media Creator".
  4. Here you can now select the USB stick you connected earlier and the Ubuntu image file you downloaded in the first step. Now you have created a boot media.
  5. Once the process is finished, restart your computer and boot the system from your USB stick.
  6. During the boot process, press the "F11" key for this. Diese kann je nach Hardware unter Umständen variieren. Haben Sie es ins Boot-Menü geschafft, können Sie Ihren Stick auswählen und die Installation starten.
  7. Nun müssen Sie lediglich dem Installationsassistenten folgen, um Ihr System zurückzusetzen. Hierbei wählen Sie die Sprache aus, installieren Updates und konfigurieren Ihr System nach Ihren Wünschen.

By Marjy

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