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Home Office Problems: Not Rare

Since the Corona crisis, more and more people are working from home. At first glance, the home office seems to bring many benefits. But the home office also causes problems for employees, which can have a negative impact on their own well-being.

The most common home office problems

From lack of space to whining children in the home office, these problems with working from home are common:
  • No dedicated office: many apartments offer little space, forcing people to work at the dining table or on the sofa. That this has a negative impact on concentration and work performance is not surprising.
  • Distraction by children: after school, children often take up a lot of attention, which may make it difficult for you to concentrate on your work. Plan with your children therefore set times when you are available.
  • Missing exchange: the lack of social contacts and direct personal exchange with colleagues is considered particularly important. In the home office, the contacts are usually reduced to zoom meetings, which in the long term also harms the team spirit.
  • Only at home: Through the home office, many people spend all their work and leisure time within their own four walls. Take therefore best after work to regularly leave the apartment for example for a walk.

By Loni Schaedel

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