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Can you recover permanently deleted mails?

Have you deleted an important email? There are a few ways to recover it. However, most of them will only work if you use an external program to manage your mails.

Recover Emails

Have you deleted a mail that you still need after all? If it is no longer in the trash, it will be difficult to recover it. You have good chances if the mail was saved in a local program on your computer. If everything does not help, you can only ask the sender for a copy of the mail.

Rescue email: These are the options you have

  1. Recover mail from trash: Check whether the mail is still in the recycle bin after all. Then it can be restored with one click.
  2. Find mails in a local client: You may also receive your mails on your smartphone or in a mail client on your computer, for example Outlook or Thunderbird. Here, the mails are also saved and you can still find the mail in the inbox.
  3. Recover mails from server: If you use a program like Outlook, you can recover deleted files via the server. You can find the function in the Start menu.
  4. Recover deleted mail via file recovery: Hatten Sie die Mail auf Ihrem Computer gespeichert, können Sie ein Programm zur Wiederherstellung von Dateien nutzen. Hier bietet sich zum Beispiel „EaseUS Data Recovery“ an.

By Aloke

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