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Epic Games Making Friends: How to turn it on

The game maker Epic Games has been offering a launcher for a few years now, so that you can play the games from its own range. Here you can also play multi-player sessions. To quickly start a game with other gamers, you can add other players as friends.

Add friends at Epic Games

Epic Games is one of the most successful game publishers in the world and has launched hundreds of games. Through Epic Games Launcher, you can download and install all Epic Games games. Also, here you have the possibility to add other friends as players. With your friends, you start joint games in multi-player games. You can also send messages to each other through Epic Games Launcher, so you don't have to use additional programs while playing. To add a friend, you need their username or the mail address they used to register with Epic Games. Alternatively, you can use social networks to search for friends who are also members of Epic Games.

Find and add friends

  1. Open the Epic Games Launcher on your PC.
  2. Select the "Friends" tab in the top left corner.
  3. A dialog box will open. Klicken Sie in der Mitte auf das „+“.
  4. Wählen Sie „Freund hinzufügen“.
  5. Geben Sie den Benutzernamen oder die Mail-Adresse Ihres Freundes ein oder suchen Sie Freunde über soziale Netzwerke.
  6. Wählen Sie „Senden“, um eine Freundschaftsanfrage zu verschicken.
  7. Warten Sie, bis Ihr Freund die Anfrage angenommen hat.

By Bamby Crumbley

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