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Create Zoom Link: How it works

Up to 1,000 people at a time can join a meeting on the popular Zoom video conferencing platform. Both meeting creation and participation are basically free and can be set up in just a few steps. Find out how to create your personal link on Zoom here.

How to create your Zoom link

A personal link on Zoom is a custom URL associated with your meeting room. However, you can only customize this link if you have a business or education subscription and are a licensed user. Also, the link must be between 5 and 40 characters long and start with a letter. To customize the Zoom link:
  1. Open Zoom and go to your "Profile".
  2. Under "personal link" you will find the option "Customize".
  3. Now you can customize your personal link.
  4. Confirm the customization by clicking "Save change".

To customize your personal meeting room on Zoom

To customize your personal meeting room on Zoom, follow these steps:
  1. Click "Meetings" and then "Personal Meeting Room".
  2. Unter den Details können Sie nun sowohl das Thema, die Meeting ID als auch den URL-Link verändern.
  3. Bestätigen Sie die Änderung mit einem Klick auf „Speichern“.

By Trotta

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