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Geforce Experience: Game cannot be optimized

Geforce Experience gives you the ability to optimize game settings and keep your driver up to date. In addition, there is an in-game overlay that allows you to record and share moments in your game. If the message "Game cannot be optimized" is displayed, there can be various reasons behind it.

"Game cannot be optimized": Here's how to solve the problem!

The companion application Geforce Experience ensures that your graphics card driver is always up to date. Moreover, you can use it to optimize your game settings quite quickly. However, if the message "Game cannot be optimized" is displayed, this can have different causes. In some cases, optimization is still possible.
  1. The first thing you should do is check whether your drivers are up to date. In addition, it is possible that you do not have access to all the features of the companion application with a card of the Nvidia GTX series.
  2. Try to restart the game and check the optimization again. In most cases, this already solves the problem.
  3. If you have already made changes in the settings of the game, it may be that this causes the error. Beenden Sie Geforce Experience und setzen Sie die Einstellungen im Spiel zurück. Versuchen Sie die Optimierung anschließend erneut.
  4. Hat auch dies nicht geholfen, installieren Sie die Anwendung neu.
  5. In manchen Fällen ist es nötig, den Ordner „CefCache“ im Nvidia Geforce Experience Ordner zu löschen. Hierzu müssen Sie das Programm zuvor schließen.

By Burkitt

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