> Online Shopping
> Amazon Partnernet: How To Become An Affiliate Partner
Amazon PartnerNet: How to become an affiliate partner
If you have your own website, you can entice visitors to shop at Amazon and earn money yourself. To do this, you need to register on PartnerNet as an affiliate publisher. For this you need to include links to Amazon on your website. If a visitor follows this, you will receive a commission.
As a participant in the PartnerNet you can earn money together with Amazon.
All information about Amazon PartnerNet
The Amazon PartnerNet is an affiliate marketing program. With this it is possible to receive commissions by offering links to certain Amazon products on your website. Once a visitor to your website has clicked on this link and subsequently buys the product, you will receive a commission of up to 12 percent. Note that you only qualify for the program if you are a blogger, publisher or content creator with your own website or mobile app.- To participate in the program, you must first sign up. To do this, go to Amazon's PartnerNet website.
- There you will again receive an overview of the process and features. The commission is called "advertising reimbursement" and is a maximum of twelve percent.
- For registration, click on the button above to register. Then you have to enter your data in turn, this of course includes the URL of your page.
- After completing the registration Amazon must review and confirm your application. This happens in a maximum of 48 hours.
- After that, you can include links in your content. Just as with placing advertising banners, it is also true for affiliate measures that you have to try out a little which variant works best. This concerns both the appearance of the links and their positioning.