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Mac OS: CD eject doesn't work

If you have inserted a CD or a DVD into your drive, but the eject doesn't work, you have various options under Mac OS. Fortunately, you can in fact control the drive via software.

What to do if ejecting a CD doesn't work on Mac OS?

If you press the button on the drive that is supposed to eject your inserted CD and nothing happens, there is obviously a problem. But fortunately, you don't have to rely on the button. There are other ways to open the drive without forcing it.
  1. When Mac OS has read the CD, you will find an icon for it on your desktop.
  2. Just drag the icon to the Trash in the Dock.
  3. The icon has now turned into the eject icon. Click it to open the CD tray.

Terminal command to open the drive

If CD eject does not work on Mac OS, there is also a command you can enter in Terminal. Through this, you also control the eject purely through the software.
  1. Use the search with CMD + spacebar and simply type "Terminal".
  2. Then click the search result of the same name to invoke the command line.
  3. Here you enter the following command: drutil tray eject.
  4. Confirm with the Enter key and your drive will open.

By Linden

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