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Telegram Encryption: Important Information

Since the announcement of the privacy change at WhatsApp, more and more users are switching to the messenger service Telegram. The app is said to be not only free and user-friendly, but also particularly secure with its user data. Encryption technology plays a significant role in this.

What's the deal with encryption on Telegram?

Unlike WhatsApp, Telegram users do not have to provide their cell phone number. The data is encrypted both between the server and the user, as well as between the users themselves, which means that the app comes up trumps with a high level of data protection.
  • Encryption on Telegram runs through three methods: a symmetrical 256-bit AES encryption, a Diffie-Hellman key exchange, as well as the RSA 2048 method.
  • On Telegram, you can also work with two-step authentication, which you activate in the "Privacy and security" menu item.
  • The keys for the procedures are stored on different servers around the world, so no one can ever get complete access.
  • For even more security, you can use secret chats on Telegram.

Kritik an der Verschlüsselung von Telegram

Trotz der hohen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen werden gegenüber Telegram auch Sicherheitsbedenken geäußert:
  • Ihre Kontaktdaten in Telegram werden automatisch auf den firmeneigenen Servern gespeichert.
  • Kriminelle Verdachtsfälle werden von Telegram angeblich den Behörden gemeldet. Ob dies so ist, lässt sich jedoch nur schwer nachprüfen.
  • Telegram wurde schon häufiger wegen seiner undurchsichtigen Unternehmensstruktur kritisiert.

By Geis Tibbetts

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