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What are "bonus hoppers"? We explain the phenomenon

Thanks to quite a few comparison platforms, it is easier than ever to quickly switch contracts and receive financial benefits. This has given rise to the term "bonus hopper," which we explain below.

Always on the lookout: "bonus hoppers" are always ready to sign new contracts.

Ongoing fixed costs put a strain on the monthly budget; savings opportunities are therefore readily taken. Together with online opportunities, this has given rise to the term "bonus hopper".

"Bonus hoppers" and the current debate: background at a glance

The verb "to hop" is English and means "to hop".
  • So customers who hop from bonus to bonus are described as "bonus hoppers".
  • This is made possible by constantly switching contracts, since new contracts are usually rewarded with bonuses.
  • With the aim of saving as much money as possible on fixed costs, "Bonushopper" consequently always look for the contract as soon as possible.
  • The basis for this are comparison portals, as they make the switching process as simple as possible.
  • Implement this in all areas, be it in insurance, Internet and cell phone contracts, as well as electricity and gas tariffs.
Although the providers themselves have contributed to the emergence of this system, they now criticize it more and more often, because the customer bases fluctuate greatly. This has even led to discussions around Schufa, which is encountering strong headwinds on the part of consumers. A final decision has not yet been made in this regard, but will have an impact on the market if the plans are approved.

By Ardenia

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