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Scrum Board vs. Kanban Board

Scrum and Kanban are two methods used for more agility in project management. Both options aim to increase efficiency and productivity. With a board, you can visualize process flows and clearly structure work steps. Find all the differences here.

The most important differences: Scrum Board vs. Kanban Board in comparison

Scrum and Kanban Boards pursue the same goal, but differ in some details:
  • Owner: While the Scrum Board is assigned to a specific team, the Kanban Board is primarily about the workflow as a whole, which is why in this case an assignment is not necessary.
  • Change rights: The product owner after defining the Scrum roles can not edit the board. In a Kanban Board, however, this is possible.
  • Emergency: In the Scrum Board, the team is rarely exposed to urgency through prior planning. In a Kanban Board, it is possible to include a special section for particularly urgent tasks.
  • Priority: Kanban Boards do not use a specific prioritization scheme, while prioritizing a project is considered important in a Scrum Board.
  • Reports: Neben einer Reihe von Diagrammen (zum Beispiel Epic Burndown oder Sprint Report) setzen Scrum Boards Geschwindigkeit als Hauptmesskriterium. Im Kanban Board sind keine bestimmten Diagramme vorgeschrieben.

By O'Donnell

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